
it's easy to say
The Briscar name is easy to pronounce, although some people have trouble with it.
The simple pronunciation is Briss-Car, with the accent on the briss. Not too many
years ago there was a different pronunciation. With its Eastern European origins,
the original pronunciation was Breesh-Car. The name, like so many European names, easily
became Americanized.
Once we were Briskars
When John (grandfather) first came to the U.S. from Europe he spelled his name
Briskar. Many people had difficulty with the spelling and would substitute the K
with a C on his pay check, mailings, and other documents. He decided to make things
easier for everyone and in the late 1930's he legally changed his name to John Briscar.
Now there are
twelve thirteen
Thirteen males carry the Briscar name today: Ambrose (1933), Richard (1940), Donald (1952),
Andrew (1960), Robert (1965), Curt (1970), Stuart (1985), Joseph (1989), Evan (1991),
Jonathan (1992), Dylan (1994), Tyler (1995) and Julian
Briscar Ladies are fewer
Until their names are changed by marriage or in some other way, The Briscar ladies of
today are: Jessica (1981), Lindsey (1990), Samantha (1996) and Emily (1997).