Contact Us


This is your web site and we want to hear from you.

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Don't think that the Alex Haley family is the only family with roots.

Send us your favorite Lemont stories

Send us photographs of your children

We want your wedding pictures

Send us a story about your favorite Aunt or Uncle

Send us your own school pictures,
K, Grade6, Grade 12

Tell us what you did on your summer vacation

Each family will have a section in the photo album

Tell us about your achievements

Come on, we know you have pictures of your grandchildren

We really want to hear from you.  To make it easy, I have included the following email Address:   Everything you send will be published, photos included.  All photos will be returned.  Send photos electronically via email or by US Mail to:

Richard V. Briscar
9115 Traditions Way Apt 304
North Royalton, OH 44133