Congratulations to Scott and Tracie Smithburger on the birth of the first
child, Connor. The family continues to grow! |
Our Family - Dylan, Baba (Irene), Pap (Ambrose), Aunt Jean,
Dad (Andy) |
Bernie, Na Na (Ambrose's mom, Helen), Aunt Diane |
Lemont Reunion - Lucas sisters Kay, Anna and Irene, Aunt
Ronnie Valentovich |
Aunt Diane, Aunt Bernie,
Na Na ( Helen), Pap (Ambrose) |
The Lucas Sisters - Back row - Wilma (Pope), Pauline (Pudge),
Kay, Front row - Anna (Yanee), Irma (Irm), Irene |
A live-action shot of Dylan practicing for his orange belt |
Andy and Dylan, wearing his first tuxedo. |
handsome Briscar boys, Andy and son Dylan on Dylan's 10th birthday |
Dylan and his Karate instructor. Dylan was awarded his
orange belt June, 2003 |
Want to keep these boys out of trouble? Point them to
anything that has a motor and you won't hear from them for days!
Cousins Gerald Ellsworth and Ambrose Briscar. |
Ambrose and Dyland riding their 4-wheelers at the farm on Rt.
44. Andy bought Dylan a new one for his birthday. What a good-hearted
Dad! |

Jean Marie, Keith, Irene, Kaitlyn, and Ambrose |
Ambrose teaching Dylan how to mow the lawn |
Lemont Reunion - Ed Hamborsky, Joe Sikina, James Cronin,
Hope and Dean Pierce |
Lemont Reunion - Bernard Sikina, Dean Pierce, Bob Peccon |
Lemont Reunion - John Mendis, Skip Saluga, Chick Butcher,
Ambrose Briscar, Ed Medrick, John Palic, Sister Michelle (Babe) Prah |