Ann Marie 4              

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Another group of favorites submitted by Dave and Ann Marie Matthews

Bernadine Chuska - First Communion Day Baba Briscar's cat in the bird house
Dolores Briscar and Vicky Lynn Hann, Daugher of Shirley Ellsworth (Hann) Detwiler Baba's cat in the bird house
Anna Briscar (Baba), Aunt Helen Chuska, Ann Marie Gallagher and young David Valentovich Uncle Joe Briscar
Anna (Baba) and John (Dzedo) Briscar Dolores Briscar and neighbor Steve Yanecko
Cathie Gallagher in Baba and Dzedo's yard Tom Malone and Kathy Briscar at the top of the street, August 1965
The Gallaghers - John Sr., Ann Marie, Dolores, Steven, Johnny and Judy at Aunt Ronnie's house. Donnie Joe Briscar, Judy Briscar, Kathy Briscar and Tom Malone on the front porch, August 1965

If it's Christmas time in Fayetteville there are bound to

 be some pretty heady centerpieces - December 1991

Judy Gallagher Soto David Soto
The Main Course? David Matthews and Steven Gallagher Valerie Soto
Looking down the hill in Lemont, January 1997 Looking up the hill in Lemont

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