Lemont Days 4

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Ed Picel and Joe Hunt Delores Briscar Gallagher


Lemont Softball Team
Front Row: Joe Sintich, Bob Volcheck, DoDo Barkovic, W. Stavischeck, E. Mikula, Joe Briscar.    Back Row: Steve Chuska,
T. Marcus, Joe Mendis, Pete Kundly, John Marcus, Ed Guman, George Zimmovan, J.V. Patchan
Click and Clack, The Tappet Brothers A.K.A. Bob Mullar and Ambrose Briscar, changing the motor from a 1938 DeSoto
Vince Briscar, Japan - 1943 John Briscar and Anna Mika - November 10, 1910
St. Mary's Church, Uniontown, PA
John and Anna Briscar and family.   Back row: Joe, Sally, Helen, Veronica, Delores, Vin
Front: Anna, John, Great Grandfather George Felegi.  Missing from picture: Mary
Grandchildren Shirley Ellsworth, Bette Ann Chuska, Jerry Ellsworth, Judy Gallagher, Renee Valentovich, Linda Sampson, Jack Sampson, Mary Ellen Briscar, Kathy Briscar, Don Briscar, Judy Briscar,
Keith Sampson, Ann Marie Gallagher, Johnny Gallagher,
David Valentovich

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