Mary Ellen Briscar Isom
and Dolores Briscar Gallagher. |
Mary Agnes Stoots
Briscar and Bernadine Creighton |
Steven Gallagher and Lew Mahallick |
Scott, David and
Natalie Smithburger |
Mike Stoots |
Jimmy, Jim and Mick Valentovich |
Valerie Valentovich (hidden), Natalie Pramuk, Renee
Valentovich Pramuk, Betty Valentovich Briscar, Dorothy Stoots Hurst
Ron and Scott Smithburger |
Seated - Janet Hurst Turney, Dorothy Stoots Hurst. Standing - Judy
Gallagher Soto, Bernadine Creighton, Steven Gallagher |
Diane Chuska Mahallick, Mary Ellen Briscar Isom |
Shirley Ellsworth Detwiler, Mary (Billie) Ellsworth Preston |
Tina Mahallick and Carl Dubos, Katrina Mahallick
Seated - Ron Chuska -
Standing - Jim, Valerie, Jimmy and Mick Valentovich |
Betty Valentovich Briscar and Ambrose Briscar |
Irene Lucas Briscar, JoAnn Chuska Wilson, Eddie Chuska, Mary Agnes
Stoots Briscar, Bernadine Creighton, Tomasine Chuska , Dolores Briscar
Gallagher |
Veronica Briscar Valentovich (hidden), Dolores Briscar
Gallagher, JoAnn Chuska Wilson, Ann Lucas Pillar, Irene Lucas Briscar |
Ann Marie Gallagher Matthews |