Support Our Troops - Visit
AdoptaPlatoon -
Click Here
Photos of troops
deployed all over the world. Chances are you can find a picture of
someone you know! |
Of Local Interest
Two Transportation Projects Stimulate Fayette County
I Am Your Flag
Bob Nelson has
written this inspiring poem dedicated to our flag. This powerful, inspiring writing is available to be viewed on the KYW website. Feel free to visit at |
 Local News
from Lemont Furnace, Uniontown, and Fayette
County. Click on the image on the left. |
A Tribute To America
Click on the
map image and you will be taken on a tour of our beautiful country.
You will need to have your speakers turned on for this 4 minute tribute, "My
Beautiful America".
Thanks to
Warren Willis -
11, 2001 - In honor of all those who have sacrificed their lives for
others. We will never forget you. |
The Map Is Back
after being out of service for a while. Click on the picture to see a satellite photo of Lemont. Zoom in,
zoom out, have fun with it.
Thanks to Ron Smithburger for submitting it. |
Thanks to all the friends and visitors who have
been kind enough to send emails expressing appreciation for this web site. We
welcome your stories, memories and photographs as well. Please click on the
"Contact Us" button for more information
web site is dedicated to the
memory of our Grandparents, Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and loved ones.
To the
older generation - an opportunity for reflection. To the younger generation - an
opportunity to learn about your family history |
Looking for a smile? Click on the logo
below to learn a little
about the local dialect. This web site takes a "tongue in cheek"
approach to the things we are used to seeing and hearing.
Cool Links to visit the American
Family Immigration Center at
Ellis Island.
There is always
something of interest in Cool Links, Including the Coal
and Coke Heritage Center, Fayette County Visitor's Network, Laurel
Highlands Visitor's Bureau,,
and much more.
A word about
your privacy - As a family member, your name may appear in these pages. However, you
will not see your telephone number or your address unless you decide to submit it in some
fashion. What you see here is a matter of public record: names, birth dates, etc.
Your privacy will be guarded here.